So this got me to thinking- what will I be like when I am old? What will Patrick be like? Here are just a few thoughts...
1. I really like birds. I have a feeling that I am going to become a bird lady when I get old. I am going to sit at my kitchen table as an old lady, looking out the bay window, and watch all of the different birds come to feed on my many different birdfeeders, all while drinking a diet coke. Patrick will be sure to open my can of diet coke, as my hands will be too shaky, and he won’t forget to give me a glass of ice. Each year for Christmas he will give me a different birdfeeder and will help me keep the feeders full. We will look up what types of birds feed during the different seasons, and I will watch with fascination as new birds come to visit.
2. I will enjoy hard candy, but will insist that Patrick only buy the sugar free variety.
3. This next one made me laugh when I thought of it- so much that I made Patrick try it out with me tonight, just for practice. I really like my nails polished. I love to find bright new colors, especially ones with interesting names. My most recent purchase is by OPI called Ogre the top Blue, from the Shrek series. Anyway, when we are old, Patrick is going to have to help me paint my nails.

He painted my right hand. I think we need a bit more practice. Fortunately, we will have eternity to perfect his nail painting skills.
4. But most of all, I think I will always love when he plays the guitar. I realized this last night on my way home from his house. I called him and asked him to play while I drive. He did, and I smiled all the way home.
I love this man.
I saw a bird watching book at Costco and I almost bought it for you so you could practice up on being a bird lady