So, my friend Matt and I had this deal where one of us would get sick, and then share germs so that we could both get a day off work. The plan was we would eat chicken noodle soup and watch tv all day. It was supposed to be glorious. But no, that is not how it played out.
Instead-- I have now decided that I hate getting sick when my momma isn’t here to take care of me! It started on Saturday evening while shopping at Khol’s with the ladies. My body was starting to ache and I had a slight headache. I decided it had to be because of the weather (since it snowed in Houston on Friday), and now that I am getting old (turned 24 on the first!), my joints just must start aching at 24. NOPE!
Kate made me lay down when we came home. She told me I wasn’t allowed to go to the Christmas Party of a friend of ours if I didn’t at least take a nap. She is so good to me…just like my momma sometimes :0). After about an hour, I lied to her and told her I felt much better and was ready to go to the party. WRONG!
Nearing the end of the Christmas party, I was knocked out DEAD on a love sac. I was freezing and aching from head to toe. It hurt so bad I could barely walk and Patrick, a friend of mine, had to help me put on my boots and zip up my coat. I even started to cry a little. OUCH!
When we got home, poor Kate had to go to great lengths to warm me. She desperately searched for a heat pad, and micro-waved a bag of rice that she had dumped into a pillow case. By the time she brought me the pillow case of rice, I was freaking hot and shedding clothes. This went on for the rest of the night.
On Sunday, the boys (Matt being one of them) came and gave me a blessing. I am sure I looked amazing after having such a great night. Woot! Kate went to church, but left early to come check on me. Good thing, because when she got home, I think I had died a little. She made me get up and took me promptly to a clinic to see a doctor.
When we arrived at the clinic, I was surprised to find that my temperature was 102.9 and my poor little heart rate was really elevated as it was trying to cool down my body. I mean, I felt awful, but I don’t remember ever having a fever that high! I found out I had strep throat, and they sent me home with antibiotics and a throat numbing gargle. I was out of work on Monday and stuck at home sick, alone and bored. :0(
But thank goodness for friends like Kate, who will nurse you back to health in your sickest hour. :0)